For the past 15 years in the software business, Hilsoft, Inc. has been carefully building a team of experts when it comes to ERP, software development, consultancy, and implementation. 

Over the years, Hilsoft, Inc. has been very careful in building a capable management team to deliver a quality and timely business solution software, like ERP. It may not be perfect but it allows them to tackle service challenges and resolve it, even customer disputes. This only proves how vital our team who cares about our customers and their sincere intentions to make our product and client synergy work.

This year, we found a perfect combination that should be present in implementing ERP and any other business software applications for customers to choose us:

Successful ERP & Software Implementation = a proven product + innovative team (a team that never runs out of solutions) + local support

Here are some of the scenarios to fully understand how effective the above equation when used:

Scenario 1:

A medium-size food and retail customer is having an accelerated growth in sales, manpower, and brand.

Challenge: They continuously add new companies and processes and their requirements increase.

Solution: Since Hilsoft ERP was developed and managed in-house, the team has reinvented our business model by implementing a flexible licensing software and support services package. With our team of innovators, we can easily upscale and optimize our product’s transaction process based on the growing volume. We can also customize the process with our team of developers.

Scenario 2:

A customer with hesitant users. People who are negative about the project due to a personal issue or preference.

Challenge: Project gets delayed if not a failure

Solution: Having a proven product eliminates our client’s or even our team’s doubt in delivering our ERP and our service. With our new initiatives and approach in training our people, we are now extending efforts and vigilance in convincing the users about ERP benefits. We are constantly improving our collaboration with the management and owners who help us in motivating their employees.

Scenario 3:

An out of town customer with no local support.

Challenge: Ability to maintain its existing processes and upgrade their existing tools.

Solution: With Hilsoft’s initiative this year to expand in Visayas and Mindanao, we are now able to support SMEs in those regions. The common dilemma we encounter in those provinces is when their software providers leave them. Now, we assure their investment in ERP will give them quick ROI and necessary service-level support.

At Hilsoft, we value both the customers and our people. They are our greatest assets and our motivation in keeping our company strong. Constant awareness of market needs and employment of capable/motivated people is the key.

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